terms & order info



PARC FERMÉ is not associated in any way with the Formula 1 companies. F1, FORMULA ONE, FORMULA 1, FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, GRAND PRIX and related marks are trade marks of Formula One Licensing B.V.


PARC FERMÉ はF1企業とは一切関係がありません。 F1、FORMULA ONE、FORMULA 1、FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP、GRAND PRIX、および関連するマークは、Formula One LicensingB.V。の商標です。


All prices are in USD unless otherwise stated.




All orders ship from Vancouver, Canada.

Canada - we ship domestically using Canada Post. We charge $10 flat rate for all order weights and amounts. All orders process within 3 business days of order placement and delivery can take up to 2-10 business days depending on where you live. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged shipments, all of these claims must made with Canada Post.

USA - We ship domestically via Canada Post. We charge $15 flat rate for all order weights and amounts. All orders process within 5 business days of order placement and delivery can take up to 7-10 business days depending on where you live. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged shipments, all of these claims must made with Canada Post.

International - We ship internationally via the best shipping option possible. Shipping rates depend on size and weight of your order and will be calculated at checkout. All orders process within 5 business days of placement and delivery takes 10-14 business days depending on where you live. Additional duties may apply to your package once it has entered your country, Parc Fermé TM is not responsible for these additional fees. Customs law differs from country to country, so in some cases orders may get caught and inspected by customs which delays delivery. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged shipments, all of these claims must be made with the shipping carrier.




·アメリカにお住いの方 オーダー後、発送までに約5営業日かかります。
配送上のトラブルは全て「各運送会社」へお問い合わせください。 ※運営、配送等の都合上、到着が遅れる場合もございます。

·インターナショナル 送料は荷物の重量によって決まります。
オーダー後、発送までに約5営業日かかります。 発送後、到着まで約10~14日間かかります。
配送上のトラブルは全て「各運送会社」へお問い合わせください。 各国によって発生する関税等に関しては、全てお客様負担になります。 通関に関しては各国によって異なり、到着が遅れる場合もございます。 ※その他運営、配送等の都合上、到着が遅れる場合もございます。


The information entered at the time of purchase can only be used in English. Please note that if you enter it in another language, it will be canceled.




Due to the limited number of items produced, all sales are final. No refunds or exchanges are available.




Sales tax is charged based on delivery location.




By using our website, you agree to the Terms of Use. We may change or update these terms so please check this page regularly. We do not represent or warrant that the information on our web site is accurate, complete, or current. This includes pricing and availability information. We reserve the right to correct any errors or omissions, and to change or update information at any time without prior notice.








All content of our website including text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, and software, is property of Parc Fermé TM and is protected by Canada & United States & international copyright laws. All trademarks included on this site are the property of Parc Fermé TM unless otherwise noted. Any other use of our web site, including reproduction and internet links, is strictly prohibited without our prior written permission.


テキスト、グラフィック、ロゴ、ボタンアイコン、画像、ソフトウェアを含む当社のウェブサイト全てのコンテンツは「 Parc Fermé TM」の所有物であり、米国および国際著作権法により保護されています。 このサイトに含まれるすべての商標は「 Parc Fermé TM」の所有物です。



Any information that Parc Fermé TM collects is for internal use only. Credit Card information is not saved. Your information is secured and encrypted with the Secure Socket Layer Software.


Parc Fermé TM が収集する情報は内部使用のみを目的としています。 クレジットカード情報は保存されません。 お客様の情報は、Secure Socket Layerソフトウェアで保護および暗号化されます。